


Have you ever wondered what a professional brand photoshoot really looks like? Today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of a half-day brand photoshoot I recently worked on with one of our amazing clients, Lori of Lori Mackeil Designs. Lori works with interior designers and architects. She has a custom drapery workroom located at Medway […]

brand photo by shawon davis medway ma


As business owners, it can be easy to get caught in a cycle of reactivity.  But if you want to break out of the hustle cycle and start scaling your busy in a strategic, aligned way—you absolutely MUST learn how to plan effectively. Personally, planning and strategizing are some of my favorite things to talk […]


QUESTION: I’m a small business owner, a wife, a mom of three kiddos 10 and under. I’m juggling all of the things and I have a short window of time each day for work hours. (Technically, I have five hours each day) When I sit down at my desk to get to work after dropping […]

photo of shawon davis


Years ago, I used to call myself the Post-It Notes Queen—because when it came to writing out my goals, I didn’t really have a clear plan. Just a bunch of disconnected notes and ideas. I’d jot down these “goals” on post its or scrap paper, but rarely did I achieve them. Instead, I’d get all […]

photo of shawon davis for blog how to achieve your goals in 2022


When it comes to branding, so many entrepreneurs get stuck on feeling like they need a fancy logo, the perfect brand colors, or exactly the right fonts. But while those are all part of your brand identity—it’s important not to get stuck there. Visual elements can make your brand look beautiful. However, aesthetics are only […]

photo of business made simple coach shawon davis from blog

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Take this 10-minute quiz, to get your business health score. 

How Healthy
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