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Years ago, I used to call myself the Post-It Notes Queen—because when it came to writing out my goals, I didn’t really have a clear plan. Just a bunch of disconnected notes and ideas. I’d jot down these “goals” on post its or scrap paper, but rarely did I achieve them. Instead, I’d get all […]

How to Achieve Your Goals in 2022

How to Achieve Your Goals in 2022



Years ago, I used to call myself the Post-It Notes Queen—because when it came to writing out my goals, I didn’t really have a clear plan. Just a bunch of disconnected notes and ideas.

I’d jot down these “goals” on post its or scrap paper, but rarely did I achieve them. Instead, I’d get all excited while making the list—then promptly shove it into a drawer, never to be seen again.

Looking back, I can’t be too hard on my past self. I was just doing what I saw everyone else doing: writing down a list of “resolutions”, without any plan of action to accomplish what was on that list. I had good intentions, but strategy.

Maybe you can relate?

Eventually, I realized I needed to find a way to go beyond scribbling down good ideas. I need a real, bonafide goal setting system. A way to keep my goals visible, track my progress, be intentional with my actions, and know whether I’d actually accomplished anything on that list.

This is true for anyone who sets any kind of goal. But for entrepreneurs, adopting a solid goal setting system is absolutely crucial.

photo of shawon davis for blog how to achieve your goals in 2022

If you want to grow a sustainable, profitable business, you MUST learn how to set and achieve smart, strategic goals.

As we transition into 2022, it’s time again to think about how you want to grow as an entrepreneur—and as a human being—in 2022. The new year is the perfect opportunity to think about not just hitting revenue targets and business milestones, but achieving better balance and bringing more awareness to all the domains of our lives, both personally and professionally.

Having well thought out goals in place makes a huge difference in how we operate as business owners. Even if we experience seasons where we need to rework some things, having clear goals can help make sure we continue to move in the right direction.

So how can you set smart goals and intentions for 2022—and more importantly, how can you turn those intentions into action?

Here are five of my best tips for rocking your new year’s goals and achieving your desired level of growth and impact in 2022.

1. Choose a Word of the Year.

Selecting a word of the year is a great way to stay focused and motivated. Unlike making resolutions, a Word of the Year provides flexibility. You get to choose a general theme for your year, which you can use to make more intentional decisions about where your time and energy goes.

For example, one of my previous words of the year was “purpose.” I had a big goal to go live weekly on Facebook. Any time I felt scared of pushing the “Go Live” button, I reflected on that word—purpose. I thought about a mission that was greater than myself. I thought about my audience and how much I wanted to show up and support them.

This year, my word is, “Relentless.” Some ideas for your word could include: bold, courageous, thrive, or growth. 

2. Establish routines for the bookends of your day.

The bookends of our day hold everything else together, so choose wisely when planning your morning and evening routine.

A great morning routine could include starting your day with gratitude exercises, journaling, prayer, exercise, reviewing your goals, or setting daily intentions.

Likewise, your evening could include reflection, brain dumping, or affirmations.

3. Use tools & systems to track your progress.

What things do you want or need to measure in your business this year? What system will you use to track your metrics? Maybe you want to grow your Instagram account, track your leads, or ensure your offers are profitable. Measuring your success with reliable tools based on clear benchmarks will help you stay on track and achieve success.

4. Stay committed to taking small steps. 

Taking small, daily action towards your goals will build momentum. Right now, your goals probably feel huge. Taking baby steps is ultimately what will lead you across the finish line.

Each day, figure out a few small steps you can take to keep yourself moving in the right direction. It might not feel like much when you’re doing it, but you’ll start to notice a snowball effect soon enough.

5. Find a support system.

It’s hard doing it alone! Find someone to help hold you accountable. Choose friends who make a great sounding board. Partner up with a biz bestie and help keep each other on track. Having people like this in your life will help you better see your own gaps and blindspots.

A support system could look like a Mastermind, a Business Coach, or an accountability group. If you’re not quite at that level, this could also be a close circle of trusted friends or even your spouse.

Need Some Help Getting Clear On Your 2022 Growth Strategy? Let’s Talk!

I’d love to help you come up with a clear, actionable plan to grow the profitable, sustainable business of your dreams in 2022.

Click here to Book a free consultation now and let’s figure out how we can move the needle towards your biggest goals for 2022 and beyond!




How to Achieve Your Goals in 2022


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