As a brand expert and Business Made Simple Coach, I absolutely love helping women in business find new ways to stand out, clarify their message, connect with their dream clients, and hit their business growth goals. That’s why I started the Women In Business Spotlight—as an opportunity to showcase some of the incredible women entrepreneurs […]

Women In Business Spotlight | Shawn Strok, Strok Design


Entrepreneurship is NOT for the faint of heart—especially in the early days before you’ve built a team. Being a business owner means wearing many different hats, juggling all the things, and making all the decisions. No matter what we do, it can feel like there’s never enough time. Between showing up for our family, staying […]

photo of shawon davis business made simple coach


Do you ever feel like you’ve checked all the boxes to have a brand that looks good… But you’re still attracting the wrong clients?? You’ve got the pretty website. Pretty colors. Perfect fonts. Check, check, and check. And yet, something feels disjointed. You are unsure of where to focus your time and energy. You never […]

photo of shawon davis ignite your brand free 5 day workshop


The first year or so of doing business can best be described as a period of hustle. You’re perfecting your craft or your skill. You’ve created a flagship offer that gets great results. You’re doing your best to show up consistently on social media and network with the right people. You’re wearing all the hats […]

photo at shawon davis photography studio medway ma


Are you ready to ignite your brand and grow your business? Start Here. Do you ever feel completely stuck on how to stand out? Overwhelmed with building your brand? Unsure of where to focus your time and your energy? When you’re developing your business, it can feel like you have all the pieces to a […]

Grand opening Shawon Davis Photography brand photographer in Medway, MA

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When all the parts of your business are healthy and work together, they fuel profitable and sustainable growth. 

Take this 10-minute quiz, to get your business health score. 

How Healthy
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