Entrepreneurship is NOT for the faint of heart—especially in the early days before you’ve built a team. Being a business owner means wearing many different hats, juggling all the things, and making all the decisions.
No matter what we do, it can feel like there’s never enough time. Between showing up for our family, staying up to date on client work, spending time on social media, and whatever else pops up from day to day, intentional, leadership-focused CEO activities often fall to the wayside.
And yet—if you want to create an aligned brand and a business that gets results, stepping into the role of CEO in your business is absolutely vital.
Thinking like a CEO means leading your team with a vision for your brand and planning for what’s next.
Even if you don’t feel like you’ve reached that level just yet, step into that mindset. As the CEO of your business, one thing to start doing now is carving out time to work not just IN your business, but ON your business.
So how can you find balance and make sure you’re spending time on both?
It’s no easy feat. But these are my top 3 strategies for finding this balance, so I can take care of daily to-dos without sacrificing my business’ long-term growth and strategy.
Almost every day, I review my life plan and my goals for the year. I also write down the top three primary tasks that I want to accomplish for the day. Writing down my top three tasks helps ensure that I’m focusing on the needle-movers—not just the to-do list.
Another important part of my daily planning is that I designate certain days of the week for certain tasks in my business. For example, I have a day where I pay my bills. A day where I send info to my bookkeeper. I also have days for finalizing brand galleries, completing audits, coaching my Mastermind, and working with private clients.
Each month, I identify specific goals that I want to be sure I’m working towards in my business. I set aside one day to review the previous month and plan the next one using my PowerSheets. You may have heard me talk about my PowerSheets Planner before—this is because it’s a lifesaver! It helps me make sure I’m cultivating what’s important in both my business and my life.
During my planning days, I block out time specifically for:
- Reviewing what worked and what didn’t in the previous month
- Looking at the specific numbers I’m measuring (for example, social media or email list growth)
- Creating my content plan for the month
A few years ago, I started treating myself to quarterly business retreats… And all I can say is, why didn’t I do this sooner??
This is a time that I literally get away to:
- Review my goals
- Celebrate my wins
- Look at what’s working, what’s not, and what can be improved
- Create a strategy for the next 90 days based on my business goals
- Develop a vision for what’s next—this is one of the most important CEO activities you can do because no one else can develop your vision for you!
My quarterly retreats allow me time and space to get crystal clear on my goals, desires, and strategies. They’re a wonderful chance to reflect and reconnect with my purpose. In fact, I credit these retreats as being the MOST important thing I do to maintain a balance between working in my business and on my business.
How To Start Working More Intentionally On Your Business
If you want to create an aligned brand and business that gets results, understanding how to work ON your business is absolutely key. But if it’s not something that comes naturally to you, don’t sweat it… I can teach you!
In my Ignite Your Brand Mastermind, we dig into the importance of showing up as CEO in your business, and how you can do that on a daily basis—even if you don’t yet have a team or you’re still developing your vision.
As a member of the Mastermind, you’ll get direct support with implementing your weekly, monthly, and quarterly strategies.
Interested in learning more? Applications for the Mastermind are open for a limited time! Get all the information right here: https://shawondavis.com/mastermind
3 Ways to Grow Your Small Business